Many trade show exhibitors may be shocked if no one would stop in their trade show booth , even though they might have done nothing to promote or even attract passers-by to it. If you intend to attract new prospects to your booth you should keep in mind these simple steps. Doing so, you can increase the chances of meeting, engaging and connecting with potential prospects.
During the days of the exhibition, the company can invite to its stand, all the collaborators. This can also be considered as an event vithin the big event. So it can be seen as an opportunity to gather collaborators, to communicate a message about working with them, to thank for the collaboration etc.
Make sure to have a web presence by promoting your show participation on your homepage. Make a promoted post online if you are introducing a new product or service or promoting existing ones. A good decision, presenting a promotional price for a product category or launching a new product or service that you are offering for the first time, can be a smart move.
Be amical when at the show. A simple smile and hello will make it much easier for attendees to approach you and start a conversation.
Offer people a glass of water, some candy or an opportunity to sit down. Doing so is a great way to welcome them into your exhibit booth.
Consider using backlighting or tech in your booth to better highlight your key message. Consider adding LED strip lights with your brand colors to highlight a key message or product.
Details that are brand relevant and different will make people stop. Everything regarding your business can make the difference between someone walking by or stopping long enough to start a conversation.